Know of a deserving non-profit I don't have listed? Let me know and I will add it to my list!
If you have food, hygiene products, or other items you'd like to donate, call them at (517) 789-8735 to find out if your donation can be used, given their current needs and available storage space.
Address: 414 S. Blackstone St., Jackson, MI 49201
Accepts gently used furniture, antiques, collectibles, gifts, housewares, holiday decorations and clothing in good condition. They will pick-up large items. See their website for more information.
Address: 1509 E. Michigan Ave., Jackson, MI 49202
Accepts gently used furniture, antiques, collectibles, gifts, housewares, holiday decorations and clothing in good condition. They will pick-up large items. See their website for more information.
Address: 1812 Spring Arbor Rd., Jackson, MI 49203
Accepts clothing, furniture, household items, toys, and more. Will pick up large items that are in good condition. See their website for details.
Address: 2390 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, MI 49202
Cascades Humane Society
Accepts pet food, toys, leashes, litter, laundry detergent, bleach, blankets, and more. Also takes returnable bottles/cans and used ink/laser cartridges for recycling. See their wishlist here.
Address: 1515 Carmen Dr., Jackson, MI 49202
Accepts furniture, surplus building materials, and housewares. Please call them to find out if your donation can be used given their current needs and available storage space.
Address: 251 W. Prospect St., Jackson, MI 49203
Accepts food, hygiene items, baby clothing, gently used adult and children's clothing, as well as toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, and laundry soap.
Address: 1003 Clinton Rd., Jackson, MI 49202
Service Area:
Primary: Jackson, Michigan 49201
Note: I service surrounding counties & areas. Click here for a list of service areas.
Webmaster Credit: Crystal Koutz @koutzfarm & @valorpathways